Common Writing Techniques

        Happy April Writers Block! In today’s blog, I will be talking about different writing techniques that authors use to engage their readers. Authors often have a specific “voice” they use in their writing that can almost be seen as their trademark. 

One writing technique that is used in almost all forms of writing is metaphors. Metaphors are comparing two things without using like or as. When using metaphors, authors often have deep meaning behind these metaphors that help pull the entire writing piece together. Metaphors can also be mistaken for simile because it basically is the same thing however a simile uses like or as when comparing two things. I find similes to be common in most literature, however, I find metaphors to be more common in poetry and short stories. 

Another writing technique is foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is hinting to the reader that something is going to happen, only later in the story. I find foreshadowing to be successfully used in narrative stories and poetry that is personal to the reader. When using foreshadowing though, there must be a known knowledge of how to use imagery in order to successfully foreshadow an event. 

Lastly, sarcasm is used as a writing technique. Although I personally have not knowingly seen sarcasm in writing, people use it very often verbally. I thought of throwing sarcasm in here to show that writing and its techniques is limitless and you can always use anything to your benefit. 

Writing techniques are a way that authors help engage their readers and successfully help the reader understand the information. There are plenty of techniques that can fit someone’s writing style and maybe one of these fits yours.
