Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash
Yeahh!! Finally the semester has come to an end! I have been waiting for this time for so long, as I am graduating this winter. So, this is going to be my last blog. Doing an internship as a Blog Writer was an amazing learning experience for me. I got to learn and grow so much. Although this was not my first time doing a blog, as I used to write blogs on WordPress. I was doing WordPress blogs for one of my classes. Those blogs were mostly about researching and putting the information out there. However, these internship blogs were completely different. These blogs were about expressing feelings, bringing creativity, building communication, and information.
From doing this internship, one of the things I learned was to express myself. I am a shy person, so I am not good at expressing myself in public. However, by writing this blog, I learned to express myself. For instance, in my “How to Deal with Depression and Stress through Writing” blog, I talked about my depression and anxiety and how I overcame that tough time. That was my first time expressing my thoughts out in public. Furthermore, after writing that blog, I felt very good, confident, and happy.
Another thing that I learned from the internship is how to write blogs. When I was writing blogs on WordPress, it used to be on researching one topic and then giving out information talking about the research only. But, during the internship, I have learned that blogging is about putting your learning experience, your previous collective information, and your opinion out there. Moreover, it's about doing some research to prove your point. Blogging is a mixture of all these elements.
Last but not least, an internship has helped me to discover my passion for writing. Doing writing has always been my passion. However, when I got busy with my life that passion somewhere got lost. Writing had become professional rather than passionate. But, when I started doing blogs for an internship my passion came back. Besides, from writing those blogs, I learned that I knew so much information about writing that I didn’t notice that before. When I began writing my internship blogs, I had to do research first and then I would write a blog based on that specific topic. So, my blog would start off with my collective research information. As I kept writing my blogs each week, I didn’t need resources from outside because the information I have learned so far from my previous classes were enough to discuss in my blogs. Also, I have experience of doing the work that I was addressing in my blog. So, I knew exactly what information I should tell my audience.
I am very pleased that I have done an internship as a Blog Writer. It helped me to grow myself as a writer, be expressive, and to find my passion for writing. Doing this internship encouraged me to keep writing blogs on WordPress. Additionally, it brings me the confidence to start writing my own novel. I am very thankful to Kean University for giving me this opportunity, which will help me to grow myself even more in the future. So, this is it! Good Bye my Fellows! I wish you all the best for your future!
Photo by Matthew Sleeper on Unsplash
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