Introduction to Women's History Month and National Reading Month

           March is the beginning of Women's History Month and Reading Month. These two topics will be the themes of the Writers’ Block for March. 

Women's history month incorporates women of all shades being appreciated for their efforts in the world. The term “This is a man’s world” is commonly used. Having a month specifically dedicated to women will show other women who read this blog that they can do anything, especially write or publish a book. 

It was just 1972 when women and girls were allowed the same level of education as men. Since then, women have made strides in their achievements such as becoming successful authors like Rupi Kaur or Maya Angelou. They changed the game for younger girls such as myself; they allowed me to feel empowered and want to stride forward in the name of literature. 

Growing up I never had doubt that I would be successful. My mother always made sure I knew that anything is possible with faith in yourself and hard work. Although, for women, this sometimes isn’t enough in the workforce. As a woman of color, representation matters. Rupi Kaur and Maya Angelou are both extremely successful women of color that showed younger girls anything is possible.

Throughout the blogs for this month, I will be discussing different women authors and their impacts on the world. And even after this month, different women authors will be briefly discussed. More women should be recognized for their work in the world, one month isn’t enough to highlight all the important implications women have made to literature as a whole. As well as encouraging younger generations to read and write as a way to promote mental growth.
