Tips On How To Write From The Soul

            Writing is a form of expression for many people, and for some, writing is much more than putting words onto paper. Writing is collecting many thoughts and formulating them to express what someone wants or needs. However, many people do not write from the soul. Mainly because the meaning of writing has changed over the years and many people look down upon it. 

One way someone can write from the soul is by understanding what they want the writing to be about. Centering one’s self to understand what they want to say is beneficial in the writing process because ideas can then be generated from the main point. It is common for someone to get lost in writing because thoughts generate almost every second while writing, so sometimes it is a bit difficult to stay focused on one topic. Which is why generating ideas based on one main point helps for a steady flow of thoughts. 

Another way someone can write from the soul is by searching for peace within a topic. Many topics these days carry a heavy weight and with that comes negativity. Soft delivery is important for protecting the readers peace, especially about topics that cause immense conversations daily. Topics such as LGBTQ+ inclusivity or women and men equal pay are topics that are talked about almost everyday amongst different communities. With a soft delivery, the readers understand the topic but won’t be hostile towards others opinions. 

Lastly, someone can write from the soul simply by digging deep inside themselves. Personally, when I write from the soul, I find a topic or an idea that I feel a connection with. Once this connection is felt, different ideas generate in my mind that allow me to be genuine about the topic. Environment also matters when writing soulfully. I personally write better in nature such as parks, reservations or even a house porch. Finding out what works best for you is important in generating your own soul writing.

In general, writing is a practice that comes from the soul. With everything under the sun to talk about, keeping track of what someone is writing about is important in keeping the energy of the topic leveled. As well as, searching for peace in a topic. Not every topic is a safe zone, so soft delivery and understanding can keep the writing smooth and happy.
