Finding Inspiration

 Finding Inspiration


In the previous post we talked about dealing with writer’s block.

Closely related to that is feeling uninspired. I would say lack of inspiration is the little brother of  writer's block. When beginning an assignment it can often be a daunting task to get started. 

It’s always nice when we get hit with bouts of inspiration, but what happens when you can’t seem to work up any ideas?

Here are a few tips to help you:


Try New Things

It is said that creativity begets creativity. If you are unsure of where to start or lack incentive, one thing you can do is walk away from your keyboard and get creative. Exposing yourself to new things can help generate new ideas and get your creative juices flowing. You can try taking a yoga class. Try visiting a museum you've never been to. You can try painting or drawing. Or you can try watching a film of a genre you've never explored before. Or perhaps something you've always wanted to try before?

Look to Others For Inspiration 

We often like the idea of writing or creating something new. However, as Mark Twain said, There is no such thing as a new idea. As innovative as we seek to be it is true that all the ideas we have are just thoughts we have built off of another idea. So, it’s ok to look to others for inspiration. You don’t have to copy their ideas, but building off of  the ideas of others can be extremely  helpful and enlightening.


Take a Mental Break 

It’s ok to take a break to allow yourself to refocus. Sitting down and staring at your computer trying to force out some inspo is very frustrating and will probably make you hate the whole process. Sometimes all you need is a break.

For more info check out the link below:
