Final Blog!

Finally my time as blog writer for The Writer Block has come to an end! I have learned so much over the summer.

As I researched about books, writing tips, creativity and inspiration, I was able to learn so much about writing and as a result became a better writer myself. While I was writing about different aspects of english and the english major I learned so much myself and relayed that information onto the blog.

One really cool thing about this experience is that I was able to be myself as a writer and include my voice and some of my humor in the blogs. I don’t get to do that often in academic writing, which made this experience that much more exciting and fun. 

What I have taken from writing on this blog is that there is so much more to writing and the English major than meets the eye. There is always more to learn, more to create and more experience to gain. I am inspired and excited for what the future holds and I will continue writing and blogging on my own. 

Thank you to the Kean University School of English studies for this opportunity and a special thanks to Professor Mastroeni for being so awesome! Best wishes to my fellow students!
